Edible spoons, forks, bowls: Eat your cutlery to save the planet
This year's World Environment Day, with its theme 'beat plastic pollution', was a loud call to global citizens to wake up to one of the greatest environmental challenges of present...
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
Edible Cutlery
This year's World Environment Day, with its theme 'beat plastic pollution', was a loud call to global citizens to wake up to one of the greatest environmental challenges of present...
In today’s fast-changing world of technology, food and the utensils that hold the food play a major role in the evolution of food and packaging industry. We believe these are...
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation Vol. 10(4), Oct-Dec 2022, pp. 42-46 Doi: 10.51976/ijari.1042206 www.gla.ac.in/journals/ijari © 2021 IJARI, GLA University Article Info : (Received: 13 Oct 2022 | Revised...
“It’s a healthy and tasty alternative to single-use plastic,” says Shaila Gurudutt, an ex-IBMer who along with her colleague Lakshmi Bheemachar founded Bengaluru-based start-up Gajamukha Foods in 2017. After eight...
The solution to food waste is for it to be processed and recycled so as to not contribute to the waste crisis. However, what we often fail to include in conversations about food waste...
for extra flavor, bite into these spoons. The next time you’re looking to up your protein intake for for the day, try a mouthful of spoon. At least that’s what edible...
बेंगलुरु की दो महिलाओं शैला गुरुदत्त और लक्ष्मी भीमाचार ने आईबीएम की नौकरी छोड़कर ऐसे बर्तन बनाना शुरू किए हैं, जिन्हें खा भी सकते हैं। इनकी कंपनी का नाम एडिबल-प्रो...
बेंगलुरु की स्टार्टअप कंपनी एडिबलप्रो (EdiblePro) अनाज, दाल और मसालों के मिश्रण से खाए जा सकने वाले कटलरी प्रोडक्ट (Cutlery) बनाती है. कंपनी के एक कटलरी सेट का इस्तेमाल सिर्फ...
Many innovators are exploring ways to design alternatives to plastic. Some are using wooden and steel cutlery instead of plastic. Now, it is the time of edible cutlery. The Bengaluru-based startup,...
EdiblePRO products are made from millets, grains, pulses and spices that are directly sourced from local farmers. This makes their cutlery rich in fibre and protein. All of us have...
Group Zomato, Swiggy, UberEats and other incumbents, and you have over 100 million deliveries a month. That number is growing by the hour. What’s growing at about thrice the rate...
For Mukundan, office has never appeared to be so abundantly laden with charm. Or rather, it’s his work-lunch—a grease-stained, gravy-splotched humdrum affair till now—that seduces like a siren. Unboxing his...
‘EdiblePRO’ includes edible forks, soup spoons, ice cream sticks, bowls, plates and holders. With an effort to reduce the usage of plastic, entrepreneur Shaila Gurudutt along with her ex-IBM colleague...